Expert Legal Cost Consultants

Your Trusted Partner in the Law of Costs

A brief history of costs

A brief history of legal costs

In olden times, a notice of intention to tax was referred to as “a declaration of costs” and was served on the attorney of the party who was condemned to pay the costs. It was a document prepared by the attorney and comprised a summary of the case, a specified account of the costs which were to be taxed and the ‘na-kosten’ which relate to the costs involved in the taxation. The attorney of the party condemned to pay the costs may challenge the various items of costs claimed in the declaration in the ‘diminutie’ (now referred to as objections) which was a similar sort of document as the declaration and contained the arguments on which the items were challenged. The attorney of the successful party then dealt with these arguments in a ‘contra-diminutie’ (now referred to as the replies to objections). The taxation was then done by the Court, or commissioners ordained by the Court to do the taxation (the Taxing Master), on these documents. The party who was aggrieved with the taxation had a right of ‘rivisie’ (now known as a review)

(The original paragraph is from the judgment of Galgut AJA in Bills of Costs (Pty) Ltd and Another v the Registrar, Cape, NO and Another 1979 (3) SA 925 (A))

Why Costspro

We at CostsPro specialise in the field of legal costs. It has long been recognised that the law of costs is a field of law in its own right and when it comes to quantifying the legal fees, experience has shown that CostsPro has a higher recovery rate than most attorneys who prefer to take on this process themselves.

Our History

Started by Tammy Venter, CostsPro saw its inception in March of 2020 after the decision was made to create a brand of legal costs professionals.

As a candidate attorney, Tammy was first exposed to costs in 2014 and displayed a natural affinity in the field of legal costs. This affinity soon turned into a passion resulting in her skills being sought after in the forensic, litigious and non-litigious fields and the regulatory environment.

Tammy is an admitted attorney since 2016 and has been appointed to the panel of the Eastern Cape Legal Practice Councill and serves as a committee member in respect of the following portfolios:

Fee Assessment Committee

Investigating Committee

Disciplinary Committee

Appeal Tribunal